

Case Study

3, 2, 1 Launch!

Catapault is a not for profit start up that seeks to help new Canadians and people of visible minorities start their own businesses. The brand sought to harness the empowerment of free enterprise and show that though it services people could be vaulted over the barriers of starting their own businesses.

Services Provided Included:

  • Branding
  • Website Development
  • Signage
  • Brochure

Mood Board

Fun. Freedom. Possible. We needed to use visual language that spoke contrary to the grind of opening a new business. Primarily aimed at new Canadians, Catapult needed to rely heavily on a very literal interpenetration of what they do as a company.

Creative Items

. Catapult needed to take the daunting task of starting your own business and make it fun. They wanted their customers to feel like their services could vault them over barriers to business entry. Full of movements and easy to understand we were able to develop a metaphor for the brand's primary mission.... 3 2 1 Launch!


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